Conferences in Germany buzz about the stained-glass window in the New St.Isaac’s
On November, 12-16, 2014, the conference “German-Russian meetings” (“Deutsch-Russische Begegnugen”) took places in the town of Galle (Germany). It was organized by the Franke Fund and the International Society of Wilhelm Steller. Historian Larisa Dmitrievna Bondar and Ulrike Bishop presented a bi-lingual report in German and Russian, entitled: “The house of the Sarepta Herrnhuters in St.Petersburg”. One part of the report was devoted to a description of the Herrnhuters’ stained-glass window above the entrance to the House of the Sarepta Society. The stained-glass window was installed in the spring of 2013. On March, 28, 2013, a the window was unveiled at a celebratory ceremony, attended by the administration of the Admiralty District, as well as TV and photojournalists.
About the authors:
Historian Larisa Dmitrievna Bondar – Candidate of Historical Sciences, academic secretary of the St. Petersburg subsidiary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the International Society of Wilhelm Steller (Germany) and International Center for the Study of the History of Ideas at Jagiellonian University in Poland.
Ulrike Bishop – theologian, vicar at a parish in Dessau (Germany), specialist in Eastern European relations at the Berlin Mission (Berlin, Germany), member of the International Scientific Society of Wilhelm Steller (Galle, Germany).
Read the report “Window to the West” in Russian (short version)
Read the report “Window to the West” in German (full version)